Since Ken and Shaun show us about their mini studio set up, I thought let me show you guys mine. I uses a standing-lamp and a TV cabinet. Good thing about this set up is, I can watch TV programs while shooting. Hehe. I uses the Ricoh GR2. No Tripod.
Hey Mike, simple and easy setup..Thanks for sharing!!
heh mike, my area's not a studio lah, just simple set up. Thanks for sharing, now I know how you can your warmly lighted photos. Which version of RX-78 is this?
Hey Mike, simple and easy setup..Thanks for sharing!!
win liao lor like dat..powerz
Less is more.
heh mike, my area's not a studio lah, just simple set up. Thanks for sharing, now I know how you can your warmly lighted photos. Which version of RX-78 is this?
RX78-2. Jumbo grade.
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